Place vector icons anywhere using an icon font.
This component is using the fantastic Font Awesome icon font, a project by Dave Gandy. Altogether Font Awesome provides more than 300 symbols and glyphs for web-related actions. Icon fonts are great, because they enable you to easily change color, size and more via CSS. They are scalable vector graphics, which means that they look great on high-resolution displays.
To apply this component, add any .uk-icon-*
class to an <i>
or <span>
element. Et voilà, you have a vector icon, which inherits size and color just like your text does.
- Uses the
class - Uses the
class - Uses the
class - An icon in a link
<!-- This is an icon -->
<i class="uk-icon-cog"></i>
<!-- This is an icon in a link -->
<a href=""><i class="uk-icon-cog"></i> ...</a>
More examples
Button group
This example shows a group of buttons from the Button component with icons inside each button.
Button dropdown
This example shows a button which is split into a standard action to the left and a dropdown toggle on the right, using the Dropdown component.
This example shows a blockquote from the Base component with a large quote icon. It also uses the .uk-align-left
class from the Utility component.
The <blockquote> element defines a long quotation which also creates a new block by inserting white space before and after the blockquote element.
Size modifiers
Add the .uk-icon-small
, .uk-icon-medium
or .uk-icon-large
class to an icon to make the it larger.
- This is the default size.
- This icon uses the
class. - This icon uses the
class. - This icon uses the
Spin modifier
Add the .uk-icon-spin
class to create animated spinning icons.
- Spinner icon for loading content …
- Refresh icon for refreshing content …
Icon button
Use the modifier .uk-icon-button
class to create an icon button, which can be used perfectly for social icons.
<a href="" class="uk-icon-button uk-icon-github"></a>
Icon mapping
Here is an overview of all available .uk-icon-*
classes provided by Font Awesome.
Web Application Icons
- adjust
- anchor
- archive
- area-chart
- arrows
- arrows-h
- arrows-v
- asterisk
- at
- automobile (alias)
- ban
- bank (alias)
- bar-chart
- bar-chart-o (alias)
- barcode
- bars
- beer
- bell
- bell-o
- bell-slash
- bell-slash-o
- bicycle
- binoculars
- birthday-cake
- bolt
- bomb
- book
- bookmark
- bookmark-o
- briefcase
- bug
- building
- building-o
- bullhorn
- bullseye
- bus
- cab (alias)
- calculator
- calendar
- calendar-o
- camera
- camera-retro
- car
- caret-square-o-down
- caret-square-o-left
- caret-square-o-right
- caret-square-o-up
- cc
- certificate
- check
- check-circle
- check-circle-o
- check-square
- check-square-o
- child
- circle
- circle-o
- circle-o-notch
- circle-thin
- clock-o
- close (alias)
- cloud
- cloud-download
- cloud-upload
- code
- code-fork
- coffee
- cog
- cogs
- comment
- comment-o
- comments
- comments-o
- compass
- copyright
- credit-card
- crop
- crosshairs
- cube
- cubes
- cutlery
- dashboard (alias)
- database
- desktop
- dot-circle-o
- download
- edit (alias)
- ellipsis-h
- ellipsis-v
- envelope
- envelope-o
- envelope-square
- eraser
- exchange
- exclamation
- exclamation-circle
- exclamation-triangle
- external-link
- external-link-square
- eye
- eye-slash
- eyedropper
- fax
- female
- fighter-jet
- file-archive-o
- file-audio-o
- file-code-o
- file-excel-o
- file-image-o
- file-movie-o (alias)
- file-pdf-o
- file-photo-o (alias)
- file-picture-o (alias)
- file-powerpoint-o
- file-sound-o (alias)
- file-video-o
- file-word-o
- file-zip-o (alias)
- film
- filter
- fire
- fire-extinguisher
- flag
- flag-checkered
- flag-o
- flash (alias)
- flask
- folder
- folder-o
- folder-open
- folder-open-o
- frown-o
- futbol-o
- gamepad
- gavel
- gear (alias)
- gears (alias)
- gift
- glass
- globe
- graduation-cap
- group (alias)
- hdd-o
- headphones
- heart
- heart-o
- history
- home
- image (alias)
- inbox
- info
- info-circle
- institution (alias)
- key
- keyboard-o
- language
- laptop
- leaf
- legal (alias)
- lemon-o
- level-down
- level-up
- life-bouy (alias)
- life-buoy (alias)
- life-ring
- life-saver (alias)
- lightbulb-o
- line-chart
- location-arrow
- lock
- magic
- magnet
- mail-forward (alias)
- mail-reply (alias)
- mail-reply-all (alias)
- male
- map-marker
- meh-o
- microphone
- microphone-slash
- minus
- minus-circle
- minus-square
- minus-square-o
- mobile
- mobile-phone (alias)
- money
- moon-o
- mortar-board (alias)
- music
- navicon (alias)
- newspaper-o
- paint-brush
- paper-plane
- paper-plane-o
- paw
- pencil
- pencil-square
- pencil-square-o
- phone
- phone-square
- photo (alias)
- picture-o
- pie-chart
- plane
- plug
- plus
- plus-circle
- plus-square
- plus-square-o
- power-off
- puzzle-piece
- qrcode
- question
- question-circle
- quote-left
- quote-right
- random
- recycle
- refresh
- remove (alias)
- reorder (alias)
- reply
- reply-all
- retweet
- road
- rocket
- rss
- rss-square
- search
- search-minus
- search-plus
- send (alias)
- send-o (alias)
- share
- share-alt
- share-alt-square
- share-square
- share-square-o
- shield
- shopping-cart
- sign-in
- sign-out
- signal
- sitemap
- sliders
- smile-o
- soccer-ball-o (alias)
- sort
- sort-alpha-asc
- sort-alpha-desc
- sort-amount-asc
- sort-amount-desc
- sort-asc
- sort-desc
- sort-down (alias)
- sort-numeric-asc
- sort-numeric-desc
- sort-up (alias)
- space-shuttle
- spinner
- spoon
- square
- square-o
- star
- star-half
- star-half-empty (alias)
- star-half-full (alias)
- star-half-o
- star-o
- suitcase
- sun-o
- support (alias)
- tablet
- tachometer
- tag
- tags
- tasks
- taxi
- terminal
- thumb-tack
- thumbs-down
- thumbs-o-down
- thumbs-o-up
- thumbs-up
- ticket
- times
- times-circle
- times-circle-o
- tint
- toggle-down (alias)
- toggle-left (alias)
- toggle-off
- toggle-on
- toggle-right (alias)
- toggle-up (alias)
- trash
- trash-o
- tree
- trophy
- truck
- tty
- umbrella
- university
- unlock
- unlock-alt
- unsorted (alias)
- upload
- user
- users
- video-camera
- volume-down
- volume-off
- volume-up
- warning (alias)
- wheelchair
- wifi
- wrench
File Type Icons
- file
- file-archive-o
- file-audio-o
- file-code-o
- file-excel-o
- file-image-o
- file-movie-o (alias)
- file-o
- file-pdf-o
- file-photo-o (alias)
- file-picture-o (alias)
- file-powerpoint-o
- file-sound-o (alias)
- file-text
- file-text-o
- file-video-o
- file-word-o
- file-zip-o (alias)
Spinner Icons
- circle-o-notch
- cog
- gear (alias)
- refresh
- spinner
Form Control Icons
- check-square
- check-square-o
- circle
- circle-o
- dot-circle-o
- minus-square
- minus-square-o
- plus-square
- plus-square-o
- square
- square-o
Payment Icons
- cc-amex
- cc-discover
- cc-mastercard
- cc-paypal
- cc-stripe
- cc-visa
- credit-card
- google-wallet
- paypal
Chart Icons
- area-chart
- bar-chart
- bar-chart-o (alias)
- line-chart
- pie-chart
Currency Icons
- bitcoin (alias)
- btc
- cny (alias)
- dollar (alias)
- eur
- euro (alias)
- gbp
- ils
- inr
- jpy
- krw
- money
- rmb (alias)
- rouble (alias)
- rub
- ruble (alias)
- rupee (alias)
- shekel (alias)
- sheqel (alias)
- try
- turkish-lira (alias)
- usd
- won (alias)
- yen (alias)
Text Editor Icons
- align-center
- align-justify
- align-left
- align-right
- bold
- chain (alias)
- chain-broken
- clipboard
- columns
- copy (alias)
- cut (alias)
- dedent (alias)
- eraser
- file
- file-o
- file-text
- file-text-o
- files-o
- floppy-o
- font
- header
- indent
- italic
- link
- list
- list-alt
- list-ol
- list-ul
- outdent
- paperclip
- paragraph
- paste (alias)
- repeat
- rotate-left (alias)
- rotate-right (alias)
- save (alias)
- scissors
- strikethrough
- subscript
- superscript
- table
- text-height
- text-width
- th
- th-large
- th-list
- underline
- undo
- unlink (alias)
Directional Icons
- angle-double-down
- angle-double-left
- angle-double-right
- angle-double-up
- angle-down
- angle-left
- angle-right
- angle-up
- arrow-circle-down
- arrow-circle-left
- arrow-circle-o-down
- arrow-circle-o-left
- arrow-circle-o-right
- arrow-circle-o-up
- arrow-circle-right
- arrow-circle-up
- arrow-down
- arrow-left
- arrow-right
- arrow-up
- arrows
- arrows-alt
- arrows-h
- arrows-v
- caret-down
- caret-left
- caret-right
- caret-square-o-down
- caret-square-o-left
- caret-square-o-right
- caret-square-o-up
- caret-up
- chevron-circle-down
- chevron-circle-left
- chevron-circle-right
- chevron-circle-up
- chevron-down
- chevron-left
- chevron-right
- chevron-up
- hand-o-down
- hand-o-left
- hand-o-right
- hand-o-up
- long-arrow-down
- long-arrow-left
- long-arrow-right
- long-arrow-up
- toggle-down (alias)
- toggle-left (alias)
- toggle-right (alias)
- toggle-up (alias)
Video Player Icons
- arrows-alt
- backward
- compress
- eject
- expand
- fast-backward
- fast-forward
- forward
- pause
- play
- play-circle
- play-circle-o
- step-backward
- step-forward
- stop
- youtube-play
Brand Icons
- adn
- android
- angellist
- apple
- behance
- behance-square
- bitbucket
- bitbucket-square
- bitcoin (alias)
- btc
- cc-amex
- cc-discover
- cc-mastercard
- cc-paypal
- cc-stripe
- cc-visa
- codepen
- css3
- delicious
- deviantart
- digg
- dribbble
- dropbox
- drupal
- empire
- facebook-square
- flickr
- foursquare
- ge (alias)
- git
- git-square
- github
- github-alt
- github-square
- gittip
- google-plus
- google-plus-square
- google-wallet
- hacker-news
- html5
- ioxhost
- joomla
- jsfiddle
- lastfm
- lastfm-square
- linkedin-square
- linux
- maxcdn
- meanpath
- openid
- pagelines
- paypal
- pied-piper
- pied-piper-alt
- pinterest-square
- ra (alias)
- rebel
- reddit-square
- renren
- share-alt
- share-alt-square
- skype
- slack
- slideshare
- soundcloud
- spotify
- stack-exchange
- stack-overflow
- stea
- steam-square
- stumbleupon
- stumbleupon-circle
- tencent-weibo
- trello
- tumblr
- tumblr-square
- twitch
- twitter-square
- vimeo-square
- vine
- vk
- wechat (alias)
- weixin
- windows
- wordpress
- xing-square
- yahoo
- yelp
- youtube
- youtube-play
- youtube-square
Medical Icons
- ambulance
- h-square
- hospital-o
- medkit
- plus-square
- stethoscope
- user-md
- wheelchair